Thursday, April 30, 2009

Riding an Ostrich vs. a 4x4: Compare and Contrast

All kidding aside, surmounting an ostrich who has other plans is no mean feat. they may be incredibly stupid, but they know what they don't like, and that includes having homo sapiens on their backs. first, ostriches do not provide the same level of comfort as most other modes of transport, such as the 4x4. Instead of the nice wide soft seat in the 4x4, the ostrich offers a bony, narrow "saddle" area. In the case of the ostrich, I seriously underestimated its ability to accelerate. While I similarly underestimated the power behind the throttle of the 4x4, I never sensed its desire to throw me from the vehicle. rather, I felt firmly astride a very grounded machine with a low center of gravity and which had many fewer feathers. I was tossed almost immediately by the ostrich. he quite literally zoomed out from under me. I had no chance. with the 4x4 I couldn't fall off except with great effort on my part even as we flew up deeply rutted hills and down steep embankments occasionally pocked with hubcap high water hazards.

When riding an ostrich, one must grab hold of its wings and lean back, almost like water skiing. with the 4x4, you grab the much more user friendly handle bars around which one can easily wrap one's fingers without wondering if you're choking the bejesus out of it as was the case with the understandably stressed ostrich. with the 4x4, you gently hit the throttle and easily control your rate of speed. In contrast, the ostrich simply can't wait to get you off his back.

but, in the end, there's no denying that the 4x4 just doesn't have those long eyelashes so prominently visible on the ostrich. it's tough not to like these critters even if they do want to kill you.

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