Monday, August 24, 2009

Bruschetta, American Style

Everyone loves bruschetta, right? Crunchy bread with ample flavors of garlic and tomatoes and basil. The Italians have perfected it, and I am not at all inclined to mess with a formula that has had a successful run pretty much since Julius Caeser. Ok, so maybe I am. I can’t help myself. I’m calling my version.... bruschetta, American style.

What you need: all the things you normally need -- a good, crunchy bread. Personally, I like a fresh ciabatta, but, really, there are so many freshly baked loaves that will do. Plenty of fresh basil, several cloves of garlic, a package of grape tomatoes. (stay away from large tomatoes -- they get too mushy when you saute them.) add in some sliced up sun dried tomatoes, shallots, maybe two scallion, and -- for the American wrinkle -- get a package of chicken tenders and a ripe avocado.

To prepare: marinate your chicken in whatever prepared marinade you like. Truly, it hardly matters. In my case, I used Mrs. Dash’s Lemon Herb Peppercorn, but knock yourself out here. Use whatever you like. Saute the marinated chicken in a little olive oil. While the chicken is getting happy, chop your garlic cloves and shallots and place in a pan with some olive oil. Chop up your grape tomatoes and add those to the mix along with the chopped scallion and sundried tomatoes. Chop your basil and add to the saute mix. Cut the avocado into small squares.

When the chicken is almost fully cooked, remove the tenders from the pan and cut into small pieces. For maybe a minute or so, add the chicken to the saute mix of tomatoes, garlic, shallots, etc. Throw the whole mix into a large bowl and add in the chopped avocado. Cut your bread into thin slices and toast. When the toast is done, rub with a garlic clove and spread with a bit of olive oil. Top with the chicken, garlic, tomato mix piling it as high as you dare. If you're a cheesy kind of guy, feel free to sprinkle some shredded romano cheese over the this gorgeous creation. Understand that this will provide you with a messy dining experience, so don’t wear your Sunday finest when enjoying this.

Wine is a must with this. Amazing how either red or white will do the trick. You decide.

The French would say, “bon apetit.” I don’t know what the Italians would say.

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